Principles of application
Ammonium nitrate as a fertilizer is suitable for all types of soils and all climate zones. It can be used as a starter, basal and top/side dress fertilizer for a wide range of crops. Applying during spring-summer growing seasons makes better use.
Ammonium nitrate as the basal fertilizer can be applied with spreaders. It should be incorporated into the soil in the shortest period to prevent nitrogen losses due to weathering.
Ammonium nitrate is considered as one of the optimal fertilizers for winter crops and winter rapeseed at the beginning of vegetation resumption. It causes a quick and intensive regeneration of the vegetative mass after overwintering against the minimum soil moisture storage. At this period intensive intake of nitrogen in form of nitrate does not pose a threat to accumulation of it in plant. Undeveloped root system cautiones against the excessive use of ammonium nitrate and sufficient water availability in early spring, because undeveloped root system trails behind intensity of plant growth that is above the ground. There is no such a threat when the root system is well-developed.
At a time of additional fertilizing should consider certain conditions at given growing season. Side dressing of ammonium nitrate can be applied to the soil surface or below the surface. Top-dressing is typically applied with spreaders in overcast conditions at low temperatures and sufficient soil moisture availability. In clear warm weather and at low soil humidity side dressing of ammonium nitrate on surface soil is not desirable because of extensive nitrogen losses. Side dressing can be subsurface applied to the depth of at least 5 cm under clear warm weather conditions and at low soil humidity. Frequency of ammonium nitrate top dressing varies from 1-3 times, but it depends on crop.
Ammonium nitrate can be applied on soils with pH 6-7 or above during long period of time. Continuous application of ammonium nitrate to acidic soils (pH <5,5) can lead to soil acidification and in order to prevent this problem it is required to apply liming materials. Maximum effect of ammonium nitrate application can be reached with the help of balanced phosphorus and potash nutrition.
Application of ammonium nitrate solutions (foliar application) causes leaf burn.
It is not recommended to apply ammonium nitrate as the basal fertilizer in autumn due to excessive nitrogen losses connected with washing it out by vertical or horizontal water flow into deep soil layers. Applying of starter fertilizer to winter crops can lead to overgrowing and as a result – poor overwintering.
In case of poor developing of winter crops, ammonium nitrate can be broadcasted on top of plants in order to enhance plant growth that is above the ground and utilize maximum amount of nutrients that provide better overwintering.