Principles of application
Application rate of crystalline magnesium sulphate in working solution is calculated in accordance with the concentration.
The concentration of magnesium monohydrate in tank mixtures which are used for foliar application under field and vegetable crops should not exceed 2% (2kg/100l). The concentration of seven hydrate magnesium sulphate in such mixtures should not exceed 5% (5 kg/100l). Foliar application rate for fruit plantations remains the same but it is advisable to increase the water amount to 600-1000l. When fertigation is occurred the concentration of working solution should reduce to 0,2 % (2kg/1000l of magnesium sulphate monohydrate or 5 kg/1000kg of magnesium sulphate seven hydrate). Crystalline magnesium sulphate can be applied as the separate fertilizer, as a component of other fertilizers or as plant protection product. It is easily mixed with water-soluble fertilizers except for fertilizers which include calcium in its composition. Prior to application of crystalline magnesium sulphate in tank mixtures with pesticides should run the compatibility and phototoxicity test. Adding of magnesium sulphate in tank mixtures with urea neutralizes biuret and thereby significantly reduces risk of leaf burn. Magnesium sulphate application is ideal for vegetables on open fields and covered soils. It can also be applied through any irrigation system to top dress field, vegetable and decorative crops. The frequency of top dressing is 2-5 times with interval in 3-4 weeks, but it depends on plants’ magnesium and Sulphur demand and duration of vegetation.