Principles of application
Carbamide is a universal fertilizer, which is applied in many ways to a wide range of crops. It can also be used as a separate fertilizer as well as a component of tank mixtures including pesticides and mineral fertilizers.
As the basal and side/top dress fertilizer, carbamide can be used under all types of soils. But indispensable condition is incorporation of carbamide to a definite depth by mixing it with the soil. It prevents losses of nitrogen in form of ammonia. Biuret derived from carbamide that has been applied in 2-3 weeks before sowing completely degrades and is washed away without toxic affecting seedlings.
Foliar application with carbamide is curried out separately. But carbamide can also be as a component of tank mixtures. It is advisable to spray liquid carbamide at the temperature of 10-20 degrees above zero in the afternoon or daytime along the entire growing season. Concentration of working solution can reach 10-15%, it depends on crop growth stage. The lower growth stage, the higher concentration of working solution is. As the component of tank mixtures with pesticides, carbamide significantly increases their effectiveness. Carbamide in a form of water solution with concentration of 3-5 % is the only fertilizer, which is recommended to use in milky-wax ripeness stage of winter wheat seed. Foliar application does not influence yield increasing, but considerably increases protein level of seeds.
Carbamide dissolution in water is accompanied by decreasing of solution temperature. With higher carbamide concentration, the temperature difference between water and solution increases (solution temperature is getting lower). To prevent thermal shock of plant, the temperature difference between carbamide solution, mixed on the spot and air should not exceed 10 degrees.