Principles of application
It is one of the most yielding cereal crops. Its potential productivity reaches more than 15 t/ha. Moisture and nutrient supply commonly limit the yield. 25-32 kg of N, 10-14 kg of P2O5 and 25-35 kg of K2O must be consumed by plant per ton of grain with the corresponding stem-leaf mass. Nitrogen has the greatest impact on yield.
At the initial stages of crop growth, consuming of nutrients from soil is minimal. V3-5 and V7-8 growth stages of corn are the most critical in terms of the availability of macro and meso elements. The intensive uptake of nitrogen and potassium starts at the beginning of V6-8 growth stage. There are two sharp periods of rising nitrogen consumption. The first period starts before VT stage and the second one – from flowering till milky wax ripeness. Potassium absorption increases rapidly and slows down only in the period of grain formation having absorbed up to 95% of the potassium until then. Phosphorous consumption escalates slowly throughout vegetation and stops before its finishing. That is why sufficient soil phosphorous supply and its starter dose facilitate better overcoming of critical growth phases.
Phosphorous-potassium fertilizers can be used under corn during main tillage with further mixing it with soil to the depth of 15-20 cm. Nitrogen fertilizers can also be used during basal and at sowing application and feeding. At sowing application rate should not exceed 10 kg/ha of N and 10-20 kg/ha of P2O5 . Feeding with nitrogen fertilizers is better to apply before V7-8 growth stage.
Method of application depends on fertilizer type, form and soil humidity. Nitrogen dose is to be up to 50 kg/ha.